Monday, June 2, 2008

What's New at Baby So Smart!

Gosh, I've taken so much time off from keeping up this blog, that I'm afraid I have quite a bit to catch up on, at least in regards to what has been going on at Baby So Smart.

Let's see, I guess we'll start with January: We've turned over the last of the "old stock" of the EveryDay Silk slings, so now all the new slings have zippered pockets. We've been pleased to have much positive feedback regarding this change. And our new tags are a big hit, not just with us, but with everyone who sees them! Thanks to my sweet husband, Adam, for designing our gorgeous peacock!

February: Two birthdays this month, our youngest son, Malachai, turned two, and he's experiencing the "terrible two's" to the fullest! I think my older two skipped this stage! And our "Boggle" (beagle/Boston terrier mix), Ruby, turned one this month!

March: Now it's Adam's turn for a birthday, he wasn't too thrilled to keep creeping past the "Big 3-0". Seems we always want to be younger, or at least not get any older! We're getting ready around here to take part in our first fashion show, to be held in Fort Madison, IA, and we're pretty excited about that. And we're gearing up to our first big Baby Expo to be held in early April. Much work to be done around here!

April: Yet another birthday! Avelyn turns 4 this month, and she has agreed to wean. My baby
girl is growing up! And check out what she chose as her "weaning present"! I must say I'm proud! The fashion show went well, I think we'll do it again some time. And the Baby Expo was a great experience--more displays to make, new signage, revamped business cards, several new sling designs, and lots and lots of people! We also finally had our sling and Mei Tai wearing instruction photo shoot this month. Can't wait to finally get everything edited, prettied up, and onto the website! Oh, and let's not forget, the end of tax season! Whew, what a busy month!

May: New Mei Tai fabrics! Lots of them! Our Spring and Summer line of Mei Tai fabrics is up on the site and very beautiful, I might add. Supplies are limited, so order early if you like these prints. Each new print is clearly marked on the site. Here are just a few "fabric photo swatches" for you to enjoy. And two new sling styles-- "The Skinny Sling", a more narrow, single layer silk sling in great summery colors for warmer weather babywearing; and "The Geisha Sling", a unique line of high-end slings designed using vintage obis. We also had a photo shoot, some of our new photos are up on the site, some are still yet to be loaded, and we still have the second half of the photo shoot to complete--this next one will include photos of our Geisha Sling line!

June: We have an article about the "Benefits of Babywearing" coming out this month in the Kansas City Baby magazine, as well as a column highlighting the products we produce here at Baby So Smart! Very excited, I'll post the article and column as soon as it's on the stands! So much to look forward to this summer! And a couple of photos from our photo shoot--

Where Have We Been???

It seems the Chief Blogger at Baby So Smart has been shirking her duties for quite some time; alright, that would be me. I'm here to explain briefly where I've been for the last several months.

My husband and I found out we were expecting another baby back in November, we were both very excited, as this little one was actually planned, unlike several of our others. Not that we weren't excited about them, too, it's just different when you are surprised (to say the least) by three kids in three years. This new little one was due to be born in July, but it wasn't to be. I had a miscarriage just a few weeks later, and honestly, it knocked me off my feet emotionally. I never thought I would be the one having a miscarriage, losing a longed-for baby, and I very unwillingly joined the ranks of those women who've gone before me in experiencing the death of a baby or child. And to make it even more difficult, only a few weeks after losing that little baby, I found out I was pregnant again, and nearly lost this one as well.

It's taken me the last 25 weeks to finally relax and be able to enjoy this new baby, a girl, due now in early September. I'm finally done worrying, I think, that something will go wrong with her as well. And I think I'm finally ready to start blogging again. And to all of you other women who have lost a child at any stage of their development, I'm so sorry for your loss.